Coffee with the Coalition #123
Followed up with the Cox story. Mother is traveling out of state to get an abortion.
Coffee with the Coalition #110
In this episode, we discussed various cases of various states attempting to pass stricter laws regulating the abortion pill.
Coffee with the Coalition #81
This is discussion #81, Coffee with the Coalition, which included the meaning of the Advent season, personal stories from participants of interactions with children (teaching lessons about gratitude and giving), and touching on families that are in need this time of year.
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
Coffee with the Coalition #79
This is discussion #79, Coffee with the Coalition, which included the update on the number of abortion facilities nationwide that HAVE CLOSED, increase in abortion pill ER visits, Gavin's stories from outreach at UTSA, and a discussion of gratitude as we approach Thanksgiving Day!
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
Coffee with the Coalition #78
This is discussion #78, Coffee with the Coalition, which included the memorial for the unborn - recently dedicated at the 40 Days for Life headquarters, formerly Abby Johnson's workplace of Planned Parenthood. Plus - more on Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn and election results commentary.
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
Coffee with the Coalition #77
This is discussion #77, Coffee with the Coalition, which included commercials with pro-life messages, comments on NPR's release of an audio recording of a woman getting an abortion, and stories from the sidewalk.
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
DC Meeting3 Fall 2022
Planned Day 40 Celebration, shared stories from the sidewalk (including another turn-away which makes 5 so far!), angry abortion referral workers, false accusations, news about Hobbs New Mexico, emergency contraception ads; and we spend time in prayer with several prayer requests
Coffee with the Coalition #76
This is discussion #76, Coffee with the Coalition, which included news about the latest sanctuary city for the unborn, details about the way the abortion pill works, misleading images going around the internet claiming to be accurate depictions of unborn babies, and some stories from the sidewalk!
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
Coffee with the Coalition #75
This is discussion #75, Coffee with the Coalition, which included the clarification of liberty vs. license, examples of laws that limit bodily autonomy, and elitists who are adamant about ignoring any and all abortion laws.
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
DC Meeting2 Fall 2022
Discussed church outreach, planned Day 20 Candlelit Vigil, shared stories from the sidewalk (4 turn-aways!); John shows us new feature on the Sidewalk Sheet, and we spend time in prayer.
Coffee with the Coalitoion #74
This is discussion #74, Coffee with the Coalition, which included the announcement of chemical and surgical abortions from an RV (what!??), stories from the weekend's "Women's March" and a turn-around last week.
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
Coffee with the Coalition #73
This is discussion #73, Coffee with the Coalition, which included the latest string (yes, STRING) of FBI raids and questioning of pro-life volunteers, as well as other stories from the sidewalk!
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
DC Meeting1 Fall 2022
Church outreach update, agendas for Closing Celebration and Volunteer training, review of Sidewalk sheet and contacting volunteers.
Coffee with the Coalition #72
This is discussion #72, Coffee with the Coalition, which included the latest media highlights such as Lila Rose's interview on Dr. Phil, and examples of specific strategies for apologetics with abortion advocates.
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
Coffee with the Coalition #71
This is discussion #70, Coffee with the Coalition, which included the Biden Administration's move to impose abortions through the Department of Veterans Affairs, a recap from the events the week before, and recommendations on pro-life apologetics books and resources.
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
Coffee with the Coalition #70
This is discussion #70, Coffee with the Coalition, which included the Walking with Moms in Need initiative, some interesting conversations from the sidewalk this past week, and follow-up discussion on children in abused situations and justifying abortion in those cases.
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~
Coffee with the Coalition #69
This is discussion #69, Coffee with the Coalition, which included upcoming plans for a closing celebration for the Duval Rd abortion facility, the Human Life Protection Act going into effect Aug 25th, and conversations with people who insist abortion is needed because of children being abused/neglected. How can we best respond?
~~~~Coffee with the Coalition is a virtual discussion (weekly on Mondays 8am-9am CT) on pro-life apologetics, what's going on in our community concerning outreach, prayer on the sidewalks, and help available for families in need. This is your opportunity as a Coalition for Life member/supporter to ask questions. Grab your cup of coffee and join the virtual chat at any point within the hour!
Hosted by our Executive Director Heather Gardner. Email for more info. ~~~~