

    Proof of life: Biden runs out of his motorcade, yells at reporters, and bounces up the big boy stairs like he never has. The press: "Why did you drop out?"
    Democrat Frost: Anyone who calls Kamala a "DEI candidate" is actually calling her the 'N' word because she's "more experience than Trump and JD Vance combined, times a million. Right?"
    Hilarious: Democrat Schumer begging the audience to clap in support behind Kamala Harris. Crickets.
    Trump hater Joy Reid to African-Americans: You should vote for Kamala because of her skin color & "you're gonna look really crazy being on the other side, really weird, really lonely," bc Kamala is "the cultural phenomenon..."
    Fox News' Baier: "What has been Kamala's biggest accomplishment as VP?" Democrat Coons: "Securing and stabilizing the middle class." Baier: "She did that?"
    Democrats waste no time scrubbing Biden's name off the wall of his own campaign HQ after forcing him off the ballot.
    Kamala talks to Biden as if he's a toddler: "Joe, are you watching? Do you hear this clapping? Can you see it? Ha ha ha ha!"
    Democrat Rep. Crockett: "I'm not confident at all" in Kamala's chances — because "behind closed doors," Democrats are saying "it can't be her."
    Democrats & their fellow CNN on Biden drops out of 2024 race: "When I heard it, I cried. It's like my head is spinning... All of our heads are spinning right now... I can confirm that everyone's heads are spinning."
    Ice Cream Photo Op: Kamala makes a campaign stop at ice cream shop and that's supposed somehow to help her and Biden get reelected in the middle of Democrats' mess.
    Dumb & Dumber. Q: "If you want the black vote, put Kamala at the top of the ticket. Why not?" Democrat Waters: "I'm older than Biden, and I get up every day. I exercise, I work late hours, and I take care of black people."
    Democrat Schumer threatening President Trump in 2017: "You take on the intelligence community - they have many ways to get back at you." Rachel Maddow: "What do you think they would do?"
    Biden has "black friends," but can't name one, brags about his Sec Of Defense but can't recall his name - "a black man," makes a Freudian slip on his mom story telling him not to go to the black community or get in trouble..
    Cackling Kamala: "They're taking reproductive freedom from the people & women! We too busy watchin' what you doin' to hear what you're saying! We're fighting to lower energy costs! Trump wants to roll back our progress!
    Biden makes up stories about how he didn't want to be vice-president, then president, how he was involved in the civil rights movement, how he was arrested for being on the porch with a black family, etc.
    WOW: Biden slowly trudges off Air Force One, tries multiple times to 'heave himself' into a car.
    You can't make this shit up. Desperate Democrats: "We are going to Make America Great Again!"
    Biden makes the slowest walk up the stairs on his way to self-isolate in his Delaware basement.
    New footage of Trump assassination attempt. Also breaking new: Secret Service was aware of the potential threat 10 minutes before Donald Trump took the stage in Pennsylvania but let him go out anyway.
    Biden desperately trying to encourage voters amid lack of enthusiasm.
    Biden-Harris campaign spox complains about Republicans at RNC convention 'lying' about Democrats' lies.
    Biden Clown Show: "We're also providing that Wall Street didn't build America; we inherited a pandemic; save billions of tons of because of of pollution; fear of getting brain damaged bc of what's going on..."
    Biden shuffles into a Nevada market: What am I doing here besides sniffing little kids?
    Biden to 'lower temperature' by lying about literally everything in his clown show.
    Trump hater Reid fears that, after the assassination attempt, "the media will acquiesce" to GOP & not label Trump "the greatest purveyor & promoter of political violence" & he'll "rewrite himself as a victim"