



Loving God and People, Being and Making Christlike disciples.

As Ambassadors of Christ, we are called to be like Jesus. For us, this means:

Love each other as Christ has loved us

Share the Gospel with every living soul

Maintain and Guard the Unity of the Faith

Without love for God, and God’s love for humanity, we are nothing. Likewise, if we do not love our neighbors and ourselves, we have nothing. Without authentic love the Gospel is nothing more than a cool story. However, when we love according to Christ’s charge, the Good News of the Gospel becomes alive, and lives in us! It is because of Christ's love that we live and share our faith. Unity is critical. There are many people, personalities, and traditions practiced among Ambassadors of Christ. We celebrate diversity, but we guard what unites us. If there is no unity among believers, in the church, or as a denomination, untold thousands will turn away from God.

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Joined Aug 6, 2023

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