Dog Teaches Puppy How To Use The Stairs

7 years ago

Dogs are adorable. They’re furry and cuddly and full of so much love, but they’re not perfect. Dogs are capable of doing things out of their character just like humans. The first, and perhaps most important, the result is that overall pet owners tend to laugh more frequently than individuals who are not living with companion animals. And why is that you ask? Because they always find themselves in a funny situation or they make something that makes us laugh!

Every puppy has been there. They are tiny and unsure of their surroundings, so they will go out and search and discover every nook and cranny they can poke themselves into. But the one thing that almost every puppy is terrified of are the stairs in the house. No matter if there are 10 or three of them, when they find themselves on the edge of that first one, they will flatten their ears to their tiny little puppy heads and whine until someone comes to their rescue.

There is a reason why the proverb says that curiosity killed the cat and it doesn’t say that it killed the dog. Cats are very fond of finding out everything there is to know about the space they live in, while dogs are just happy to have food and a comfortable space to lay their head to sleep at night.

This is why it comes as no surprise that this pupper doesn’t know how to use the stairs. The youngun is very focused on pleasing her big brother and her owner, but she just doesn’t understand how the contraption works. She tries to climb down the step, but it seems that it doesn’t go according to plan. Apparently, her feet don’t move like those of her sibling, and ultimately, it confuses her so much, she is ready to give up. At the last minute, she manages to jump and tackle that last step.

Oftentimes it is someone closer that gives a little puppy the motivation they desperately need. When this little Frenchie was faced with the daring challenge of going down just one step, the one who came to his rescue was none other that his older adoptive brother! The fluffy pooch goes up and down that step a few times, coercing the pup to play. What happens next is a big leap for puppykind worldwide. Good job!

A while ago we spoke about Hobbs, a nervous puppy that had to be taught how to go down the stairs. At first, the Golden Retriever puppy tells his dad he’s nervous and doesn’t want to do it with the sweetest little whimper, but with some gentle coaxing and encouragement he gives it a try. After a few nervous attempts, the adorable pup gained some confidence and managed the last three steps all on his own.

We all need a good teacher in our lives! Good thing for this pup that he's got his big brother around to help him out!

What do you think about this video? Make sure you tell us more in the comments down below. If you like what you see, don’t forget to share it with others who might like it as well. It just might be the highlight of their day! Enjoy!

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