從中國封鎖到世界!2010年共濟會文件: 預告了鎖國-封鎖邊境的步驟與場景!由中國開始,以至全世界!Rockefeller Foundation in 2020 : Blockade will happen suddenly and immediately! Start from China, and then to the world
LO SCENARIO LOCK STEP 2010 della Rockefeller Foundation che ipotizzava una pandemia globale causata da un'influenza DOCUMENTARIO simulata all'Evento 201 a New York ad ottobre 2019 e fatta poi nel 2020 con COVID-19 un virus preso da biolaboratori
ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: The Truth About Legislative District 3 (LD3) In Mari-Corruption County - The 4 Grassroots Rockstars Set The Record Straight! The Fraud & Lies Have Been Happening For Years! AZ Is A Crime Scene & Cesspool Of Corruption &
Remember That Time Bill Gates Blamed Our 'Freedom' For The Spread Of The Virus? While Praising China For It's Authoritarian Measures? Straight Out of The Rockefeller Lock Step Document From 2010...