CBDCs | "At Some Point the World Is Going to Go Into a Financial Crisis. You'll Get the Announcement That We're Having the New Currency Which Will Be the CBDC." - Clive Thompson
Peter Navarro | "Mr. Speaker, I Rise to Alert This House of the Actions of the Federal Bureau of Prisons Which Seem to Be Vindicating the Claim of Mr. Navarro That He Is Being Held As a Political Prisoner." - Rep Matt Gaetz
Back to the Future | Was Back to the Future Predicting the Events of 911 In Great Detail? Twin Pines Mall, After Attack, Twin Pines Are Replaced With a Sole Pine, Doc's Two Stop Watches, Both of Which Are 119 <> Mirrored 911
BRICS | MUST WATCH | Why Did Putin Say? "The West Is Sawing Off the Branch On Which It Has Been Sitting." Dedollarization Explained By: Putin, Bannon, Trump, Kiyosaki, Malmgren, Werner, Harari, Schectman, Soros, Carstens & Bet-David