3 years ago伊隆·馬斯克(世界新首富 Tesla電動車前總裁): 人工合成基因碎件mRNA(轉基因疫苗)好比軟件程式 可將人變成蝴蝶或毛蟲 Elon Musk: mRNA DNA (vaccine) could turn you into a butterfly or Caterpillar!Covid Vaccines Truth 新冠疫苗真相揭露 | 666獸印 | 疫苗護照|ID2020|5G病毒|變種病毒 @ 香港耶路撒冷Hong Kong Jerusalem
1 month agoEverything is Going to be OK - as we transition from Debt SL@VERY to Love and AbundanceMotivationalSpeaker
3 years agoCocoon caterpillar beauty of nature. How Caterpillars Become Butterfly. Interesting bug videoMyRocky