2 years agoAutohemotherapy cures foot infection, plantar perforating disease, testimony from Daia.Autohemotherapy by Doctor Luiz Moura
2 years agoAutohemotherapy. 3 cases of healing Pemphigus Foliaceus (Wild Fire)Autohemotherapy by Doctor Luiz Moura
5 months agoUnlocking Ozone Therapy's Potential with EBOO'Your Health. Your Story.' Podcast at Innovative Medicine
3 years agoAuto-hemoterapia na Alemanha. Dr. med. Ralf Heinrich. Clínica THERA Praxisklinik - BerlimAuto-Hemoterapia por Doutor Luiz Moura
3 years agoAuto-hemoterapia em ASSUTA Israel. Comprovação de veracidade. Dr Luiz Moura e AHT nos Estados UnidosAuto-Hemoterapia por Doutor Luiz Moura