1. Morning Reads Church in Pisidia Philip’s Faith Tested- Quick background- Journalism to Bible Teacher

    Morning Reads Church in Pisidia Philip’s Faith Tested- Quick background- Journalism to Bible Teacher

  2. DAY12:The Chosen Blended Harmony’s of the Gospels- “Wheat & Tares are Grown Together- See Write Up

    DAY12:The Chosen Blended Harmony’s of the Gospels- “Wheat & Tares are Grown Together- See Write Up

  3. Morning Reads(Acts 6:8-15-7:1-5;vv.47-60- John 4:46-54)“Stephen’s Martyrdom “Nobleman’s Son Healed”

    Morning Reads(Acts 6:8-15-7:1-5;vv.47-60- John 4:46-54)“Stephen’s Martyrdom “Nobleman’s Son Healed”

  4. Proverbs15: Righteous Responses - Good is now Bad-Bad is now Good Preserve Truth or Lose Freedom

    Proverbs15: Righteous Responses - Good is now Bad-Bad is now Good Preserve Truth or Lose Freedom

  5. Day 13: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospel’s- Jesus Calms all Storms- The Meaning of “JPCE” …

    Day 13: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospel’s- Jesus Calms all Storms- The Meaning of “JPCE” …

  6. Saul (Paul) is Converted- Communion- The World’s Hatred for Christ & His Followers!!!

    Saul (Paul) is Converted- Communion- The World’s Hatred for Christ & His Followers!!!

  7. Multi-Dimensional Wisdom of The Bible

    Multi-Dimensional Wisdom of The Bible

  8. Day16 The Chosen Blended Gospels Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood- Gentile Woman with immeasurable LOVE

    Day16 The Chosen Blended Gospels Eat My Flesh & Drink My Blood- Gentile Woman with immeasurable LOVE

  9. Episode 39: W/ Jason McLean (Why UFOs & Bigfoot Prove the Bible is True)

    Episode 39: W/ Jason McLean (Why UFOs & Bigfoot Prove the Bible is True)

  10. DAY20: The Chosen Blended Harmony Gospels- THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!! Prophecy Friday- See Notes

    DAY20: The Chosen Blended Harmony Gospels- THE TRUTH WILL SET YOU FREE!!! Prophecy Friday- See Notes

  11. Morning Reads-Scriptures God Given Meaning And &The Father Draws in those who seek Him

    Morning Reads-Scriptures God Given Meaning And &The Father Draws in those who seek Him

  12. DAY32: LOAVES AND FISH PART 1 (Mark 6:31-34) Confession (Psalm 31(32)- See my Note in my WRITE UP…

    DAY32: LOAVES AND FISH PART 1 (Mark 6:31-34) Confession (Psalm 31(32)- See my Note in my WRITE UP…

  13. Morning Reads Christ is the “DOOR” The Good Shepherd Beware of False Shepherds Who Lead to Apostasy

    Morning Reads Christ is the “DOOR” The Good Shepherd Beware of False Shepherds Who Lead to Apostasy

  14. Forgiving Others | Lie #1: God Punishes Us | Part 17 | How to stop anger & bitterness

    Forgiving Others | Lie #1: God Punishes Us | Part 17 | How to stop anger & bitterness

  15. Good evening: Wisdom of Sirach- “Students of God’s Words” - Chapter 39:1-11- See Notes

    Good evening: Wisdom of Sirach- “Students of God’s Words” - Chapter 39:1-11- See Notes

  16. DAY19: Does Jesus Support Capital Punishment? (Discussion on this starts at 11:21-16:30

    DAY19: Does Jesus Support Capital Punishment? (Discussion on this starts at 11:21-16:30

  17. Morning Reads- Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 12:1-11; John 20:19-31 - “The Great Commission” See My Note

    Morning Reads- Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 12:1-11; John 20:19-31 - “The Great Commission” See My Note
