BREAKING! RUSSIANS MEET AMERICANS IN SAUDI ARABIA THEN ANNOUNCE: NATO’s Homosexuals got Humiliated und Lost in Former Ukraine. It is Time to Sign Unconditional Surrender Papers, Return Stolen American Money, Pay Reparations to Russia.
Dollar Collapse | What Countries Are Joining BRICS? "Saudia Arabia, United Arab Emirates, Egypt, Algeria, Argentina, Mexico, Nigeria, So There Is HUGE Interest." - Foreign Minister, Naledi Pandor from South Africa which holds BRICS Presidency Th
CBDC | Project Icebreaker & CBDCs Being Released World Wide NOW!!! Are We Witnessing the Introduction of the Mark of the Beast System? BRICS Looks Add Additional Members Including: Saudi Arabia, Iran, Mexico, etc.
De-Dollarization NOW | "Look At the Amount of the Gold Out of Switzerland Again This Month, 1 - China, 2 - India, 3 - Saudi Arabia. This Countries Are Massively Accumulating Gold. Gold Will Be a Cornerstone to Whatever System Arises."