2 years agoInsulinIQ.com 2 | BERBERINE, APPLE CIDER VINEGAR…GLP-1 agonists How they fight Insulin resistance?Doctors To Trust
2 years agoERIC BERG 1 | OBESITY DRIVERS drive cancer too: excess insulin becomes dysfunctional!Doctors To Trust
2 years agoDON LAYMAN 12 | Elderly adults: RETAIN YOUR MUSCLE & BONE MASS with HIGH PROTEIN BREAKFAST & DINNERDoctors To Trust
2 years agoDOM D’AGNOSTINO 4 | WARBURG EFFECT…Drives tumor to circulate & metastasizeDoctors To Trust
2 years agoDINICOLANTONIO 6 | INOSITOL supplementation: 90% of patients went from 30 min to 150 min DEEP SLEEPDoctors To Trust
2 years agoJORDAN B PETERSON 3 | CLASSIC: ONE MAN'S EXPERIENCE defeating autoimmune disease: Part 3 of 3Doctors To Trust
2 years agoJORDAN B PETERSON 1 | CLASSIC: ONE MAN'S EXPERIENCE defeating autoimmune disease: Part 1 of 3Doctors To Trust
2 years agoTED NAIMAN 7 | WORST SATIATING? sugar & vegetable oil. MOST SATIATING? eat a steak!Doctors To Trust
2 years agoDON LAYMAN 11 | BRANCH CHAIN AMINO ACIDS oxidize as fatty acids: BURN FAT & spare glucose for brain!Doctors To Trust
2 years agoRICHARD JOHNSON 8 | OBESITY: dehydration: drives vasopressin! drink 6-8 glasses water/dayDoctors To Trust
2 years agoKEN BERRY & SARAH ZALDIVAR 5 | Mothers deficient in vitamins (A, D, K2) will not be in breast milkDoctors To Trust
1 year agoSTEPHEN PHINNEY c | STATINS: no clinical difference in mortality, but RAISE DIABETES RISKDoctors To Trust
3 years agoMUST TAKE FAST-TWITCH MUSCLE FIBERS TO FAILURE…for metabolic health about: Doug McGuff, MDDoctors To Trust
2 years agoSARAH ZALDIVAR 2 | My professor, as dietitian, gave me calorie targets…never worked!I blamed myselfDoctors To Trust
2 years agoTOM SEYFRIED 5 | ROGUE MACROPHAGES metabolically destabilized, become deadly tumorsDoctors To Trust
2 years agoKEN BERRY CLASSIC | GOUT GOUT GOUT reverse it! cut fructose & carbs & seed oilsDoctors To Trust
2 years agoRICHARD JOHNSON 5 | Hibernating animals eat high fructose foods in fall: -cuts energy -stores fatDoctors To Trust
1 year agoPETE DELANNOY 2 | GOUT FLARE UP: needs Intracellular uric acid & in chondrocyteDoctors To Trust
2 years agoDR PAUL SALADINO 5 | Story: 3 year old’s sugar addiction by microtoxins & candida overgrowthDoctors To Trust