Final ReAwaken America Tour | Selma, NC | Day Two | Clay Clark, General Flynn, Julie Green, Alex Newman, Roger Stone, Jimmy Levy, Patrick Byrne, Ann Vandersteel, Jeff Dornik
Violence Begins to Occur as Pro-Hamas Protest Tensions Escalate | The CCP Will Use Chaos to Cripple the U.S. Domestically and Internationally | Will Project Bluebeam and Hologram Technology Attack the Country Soon | Aila Wang, Clay Clark
Leftists, Communists, Socialists, Islamists, and Campus Protestors Have the Same Purpose for America | The CCP Works With Islamists to Collapse the Dollar | Pfizer Vaccine is Killing Babies | Daniel Greenfield, Aila Wang, Dr. James Thorp
The Issues Going Forward After Elections | Election Integrity Call | Jovan Pulitzer, Mel K, Catherine Engelbrecht, General Flynn, Wayne Allen Root | BFB Live Field Report
The Obamas, Harris, and Walz Create Two Different Optics at the DNC | Bitcoin Mining and Windmill Problems are Linked to Senate Candidates in Massachusetts | Kamala is Directing the Protestors at the DNC | Robert Antonellis, Rick Manning
The Convergence Of Engineering, nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology And Cognitive Science the Creative Union Of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering And Peoples, Human Augmentation Bioconvergence
As the 2024 Presidential Election Nears the Future of America is Between Democrats and Marxists | IBM Appears to Lead on Decoupling from the CCP in China | Dr. Sherwood, Aila Wang, Ken Rapoza