YOU’RE NOT GETTING IT 💉 SO DOESN’T MATTER, BUT HERE’S WHAT’S REALLY HAPPENING: You are Jumping to Higher Timelines, and What That Looks Like to You is #BackfillPeople and Real [But Ill-Prepared] Souls Being Removed.
Dimensions & Densities: The Difference.. + 4D Explained, 5D Explained, and Developing Multidimensional Consciousness (Awareness of Organic Vs. Synthetic Timelines). | Sarah Elkhaldy, “The Alchemist”.
Dissecting the New [Predictive Programming] Obama Netflix Movie, Upcoming Timelines Splits/Choice Point, and More! + Live Q&A with Frank Jacob! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
Messages FOR ALL From Various Recent WE in 5D Readings: The New Self-Replicating VACCINE, New York’s SINISTER ConEd Power Plant Explosion, Timelines, What This Age of Aquarius Requires of You, and WHY the Universe is Happening FOR YOU Not to You!