[With Subtitles] Globalist war on food ramping up: Idaho SHUTS DOWN FARMERS’ access to water; ‘We’re all going to fail’ -- NOT IF YOU DON'T FOOLISHLY OBEY THESE CORPORATE STATUTES YOU DON'T!!! Learn about globalist "laws" BELOW
Who ? Pandemic treaty IHR / Agreement openly concealed & passed (De Facto) Geneva as the 'Genes of Eve' (May / June 2024 'Post Tenebras Lux' or 'Light after Darkness') World Health Assembly
THE ACT OF 1871 - The Year Everything Changed.. American History you were never taught. How the British BANKING CARTEL hijacked the America during the Civil War
FREE ALL HUMANS FROM BIRTH CERTIFICATE BOND(AGE) -- Santos Bonacci outside court, Melbourne, Australia April 1st. 2014 -- Learn more about this through watching the videos linked underneath this video