2 years agoCRINGE ALERT! Joe Biden Creates a Ministry of Truth And Puts a Hall Monitor in ChargeStyxhexenhammer666Verified
2 years agoCreepy Joe Biden Makes REALLY Weird Comments to a Kid at Teachers Union RallyStyxhexenhammer666Verified
2 years agoSteward Joe Bidens Most INSANE Dementia Moment Yet! Re; Student Loan Debt ReliefStyxhexenhammer666Verified
3 years agoSquint-Eyed Freak Joe Biden to Blame Russia Sanctions for His Own Poor EconomyStyxhexenhammer666Verified
2 years agoJoe Biden Devolves into LEGENDARY Loser Status, Upstaged by Obama and Even KamalaStyxhexenhammer666Verified
2 years agoJoe Biden Releases Utterly Insane Student Loan Debt "Forgiveness" PlanStyxhexenhammer666Verified
2 years agoJoe Biden Met with Hunter Colleague at the White House, Wikipedia Deletes Rosemont Seneca PageStyxhexenhammer666Verified
2 years agoIs MAGA an Extremist Movement? Fact Checking Joe Biden and OthersStyxhexenhammer666Verified
3 years agoLet's Go Brandon! Joe Bidens' PATHETIC State of the Union Delay Hail MaryStyxhexenhammer666Verified
3 years agoRetarded Joe Bidens Disapproval is Tied at its All Time High, and RisingStyxhexenhammer666Verified
3 years agoJoe Biden Goes COMPLETELY INSANE! Compares George Floyd to Martin Luther KingStyxhexenhammer666Verified
3 years agoJoe Biden The Absentee President, Too Busy Propping up Cronies to GovernStyxhexenhammer666Verified