1. June 6, 2011 🎺 Pentecost has been fulfilled!...It has passed them by unawares

    June 6, 2011 🎺 Pentecost has been fulfilled!...It has passed them by unawares

  2. April 19, 2005 🎺 The Lord explains... The Holy Spirit is not a Person, He is a Blessing

    April 19, 2005 🎺 The Lord explains... The Holy Spirit is not a Person, He is a Blessing

  3. Dec 25, 2004 🎺 The Lord says... Seek Me & I'll open the Way, for I am the Truth you seek

    Dec 25, 2004 🎺 The Lord says... Seek Me & I'll open the Way, for I am the Truth you seek

  4. SONOVIVE ❤️⚠️(BIG ALERT)❤️⚠️ SONOVIVE REVIEW - Sonovive Reviews - Buy Sonovive

    SONOVIVE ❤️⚠️(BIG ALERT)❤️⚠️ SONOVIVE REVIEW - Sonovive Reviews - Buy Sonovive

  5. Sep 3, 2005 🎺 Death Penalty & Suicide… The Lord says... You shall not kill! Only My Judgment is true!

    Sep 3, 2005 🎺 Death Penalty & Suicide… The Lord says... You shall not kill! Only My Judgment is true!

  6. 2/7/24 let the rain fall. ❤️

    2/7/24 let the rain fall. ❤️

  7. How Sound Waves Heal Trauma 🧠 Discover the device that builds resilience against stress and disease

    How Sound Waves Heal Trauma 🧠 Discover the device that builds resilience against stress and disease

  8. Dr. David Rabin | How To Be Emotionally Resilient: Exploring Chronic Stress | Wellness Force

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  9. [Audio] Harmony of Ancient Writings - Infancy [Christ] Gospel of Thomas- Robert Ferrell

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  10. Oct 6, 2010 🎺 Jesus explains… ONE IN ME... The Bridegroom is coming, go out to meet Him

    Oct 6, 2010 🎺 Jesus explains… ONE IN ME... The Bridegroom is coming, go out to meet Him

  11. Revelation 13, 14. June 3, 2023, the 3rd day of contending for the one true faith from God Eph. 4:5

    Revelation 13, 14. June 3, 2023, the 3rd day of contending for the one true faith from God Eph. 4:5
