Dr. Stella Immanuel | Is Bird Flu & mRNA Push On the Way? | Russia & China Teaming? Revelation 16:12-14? + “There Will Be a Bird Flu Pandemic.” - Former CDC Director, Doctor Redfield + Why Are China & Russia Hoarding Gold?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | A New Year's Message of HOPE + The Connection Between 5G, Luciferase, MIT, Quantum Dots, CBDCs, Epstein, Gates & Great Reset | “Don’t Be Scared, But Be Prepared.” - Dr. Stella Immanuel
Dr. Stella Immanuel | What Did Elon Musk Say? "8 Billion People In the World. A Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Should Be $5-10K. 600 Second Surgery." - Musk (10/28/24) + Musk, Harari & Schwab On Same Page?