Dr. Judy Mikovits | Why Is Chris Cuomo Now Claiming to Be Vaccine Injured? "Making mRNA Is Really Easy & Really Cheap. Is Alot of LIPID Nanoparticles & Some Are Very Self-Assembling." - Bill Gates + Navarro & Fauci
Dr. Fauci | "You & NIH Had a Lot to Lose If the American People Were to Discover That COVID-19 Was Most Likely Leaked & You Via Eco Health Alliance & Daszak Actually Funded This Research." - Congressman Ronny Jackson
Anthony Fauci Exposed AGAIN On Tucker | "Millions Died (from COVID-19) And We've Have Over 1,000 People Arrested for Milling Around the Capital (January 6th)." - Tucker Carlson + Dr. Mikovits + Dr. Bartlett | New Bat Lab In CO?
COVID Vaccines | "When We Say Something Is Safe And Effective We Mean That It Is Safe & Effective for Everyone." - Dr. Fauci | "An Increase of Life Insurance Claims of 40%." - Dr. Pierre Kory On the Tucker Carlson Encounter