1. fallen angels Rule Over The ICHABOD CHURCHES With RAINING GOLD DUST - Location Bethel, CA. Great Falling Away ushering in the dark jesus/antimessiah. Is Another Gospel (Gal 1:8) mirrored

    fallen angels Rule Over The ICHABOD CHURCHES With RAINING GOLD DUST - Location Bethel, CA. Great Falling Away ushering in the dark jesus/antimessiah. Is Another Gospel (Gal 1:8) mirrored

  2. Women, Discipleship and Sexual Brokenness, Part 2 on The Disciple Dilemma

    Women, Discipleship and Sexual Brokenness, Part 2 on The Disciple Dilemma

  3. TMI! Art and Discipleship, with Cory Bonnet of New Vision Studio on The Disciple Dilemma

    TMI! Art and Discipleship, with Cory Bonnet of New Vision Studio on The Disciple Dilemma

  4. Africa - Asia - Academics - Disciples on the Mission Field on The Disciple Dilemma

    Africa - Asia - Academics - Disciples on the Mission Field on The Disciple Dilemma

  5. Highlights: For leaders - Discipleship Can Be Costly - on The Disciple Dilemma

    Highlights: For leaders - Discipleship Can Be Costly - on The Disciple Dilemma

  6. The Disciple Dilemma: Discipleship - why leadership matters greatly TMI! (Two Minute IN-take)

    The Disciple Dilemma: Discipleship - why leadership matters greatly TMI! (Two Minute IN-take)

  7. Part 2: Art and Discipleship, with Cory Bonnet of New Vision Studio on The Disciple Dilemma

    Part 2: Art and Discipleship, with Cory Bonnet of New Vision Studio on The Disciple Dilemma

  8. Part 2: Leaders - Discipleship Can Be Costly - on The Disciple Dilemma

    Part 2: Leaders - Discipleship Can Be Costly - on The Disciple Dilemma

  9. Part 1: A Disciple in Christian Music: talking with Jeremy Casella, on The Disciple Dilemma

    Part 1: A Disciple in Christian Music: talking with Jeremy Casella, on The Disciple Dilemma

  10. Part 2: A Disciple in Christian Music: talking with Jeremy Casella, on The Disciple Dilemma

    Part 2: A Disciple in Christian Music: talking with Jeremy Casella, on The Disciple Dilemma

  11. Highlights with Jeremy Casella: A Disciple in the Christian Music Industry

    Highlights with Jeremy Casella: A Disciple in the Christian Music Industry
