1. In the Swiss system of direct democracy, politics can not crash and crush the US Justice system and democracy and how the Swiss system makes that impossible

    In the Swiss system of direct democracy, politics can not crash and crush the US Justice system and democracy and how the Swiss system makes that impossible

  2. Jefferson was right in 1775: "The US will end up governed by elected despotism" We have arrived, ecause Republicans, Democrats and lobbies are the despots. The French deputy saw it even clearer: "representative democracy is not democracy&qu

    Jefferson was right in 1775: "The US will end up governed by elected despotism" We have arrived, ecause Republicans, Democrats and lobbies are the despots. The French deputy saw it even clearer: "representative democracy is not democracy&qu

  3. Democracy died in the West because only Switzerland has direct democracy, this is how it can be brought to life

    Democracy died in the West because only Switzerland has direct democracy, this is how it can be brought to life

  4. Will you take the Oath? Will you swear your Allegiance?

    Will you take the Oath? Will you swear your Allegiance?

  5. Marxism's Dark History: Starvation as a Political Weapon

    Marxism's Dark History: Starvation as a Political Weapon

  6. The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 14 Room 101

    The Swiss Beast - Home of the Devil; Part 14 Room 101

  7. Davos Globorats Depopulating, Enslaving and Saving The World, One Swiss Après-Ski At A Time

    Davos Globorats Depopulating, Enslaving and Saving The World, One Swiss Après-Ski At A Time

  8. Bitcoin, Value Investing & The Automation of Money - Bill Miller IV (THE Bitcoin Podcast)

    Bitcoin, Value Investing & The Automation of Money - Bill Miller IV (THE Bitcoin Podcast)

  9. For Tulsi Gabbard and for you too; time to open your eyes and see how the US and other representative democracies or constitutional republics are not real democracies

    For Tulsi Gabbard and for you too; time to open your eyes and see how the US and other representative democracies or constitutional republics are not real democracies

  10. Jefferson was right: "The US will end up governed by elected despots".US democracy is kaput and, incredibly, in Germany too, but also in your country

    Jefferson was right: "The US will end up governed by elected despots".US democracy is kaput and, incredibly, in Germany too, but also in your country

  11. The Great Narrative, By Klaus Schwab 2022 Puke (TM) Audiobook

    The Great Narrative, By Klaus Schwab 2022 Puke (TM) Audiobook

  12. Lo que está haciendo Israel en Gaza es un error moral y una ruleta rusa existencial para Israel

    Lo que está haciendo Israel en Gaza es un error moral y una ruleta rusa existencial para Israel

  13. Intelligence, Military Professionals Expose NATO Drive For Nuclear War

    Intelligence, Military Professionals Expose NATO Drive For Nuclear War

  14. Dear Bill O´Reilly and dear Americans: the problem is not Soros or the SUPERPACS. Sorry, after min 11 good sound but bad video, unable to fix.

    Dear Bill O´Reilly and dear Americans: the problem is not Soros or the SUPERPACS. Sorry, after min 11 good sound but bad video, unable to fix.

  15. How folks on the Left and the Right are led by the nose,by the lobbies, the media and the politicians, time to get real in the US and all over

    How folks on the Left and the Right are led by the nose,by the lobbies, the media and the politicians, time to get real in the US and all over

  16. Freedom House, The Economist, IDEA, World Economic Forum are wrong, by mistake or intentionally, Norway is not the most democratic country, Switzerland is, and by a long shot, this is why

    Freedom House, The Economist, IDEA, World Economic Forum are wrong, by mistake or intentionally, Norway is not the most democratic country, Switzerland is, and by a long shot, this is why
