DEVIN NUNES | Is Obama Running the Show Behind the Scenes? What Is the VISION for TRUTH Social? Devin Nunes Joins ReAwaken America Tour!!! + Is BRICS Introducing a New Reserve Currency? Is the FEDNow CBDC System Starting In May?
FedNow | Is FedNow the Same As CBDCs? | Cash Ban In 2024? "Here Is Wisdom, Let Him That Hath Understanding Count the Number of the Beast: For It Is the Number of a Man; And His Number Is Six Hundred Threescore And Six." - Rev 13: 16-18
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "The Potential Impact On Human Kind from a CBDC Would Be Worse Than the Cumulative Impact of CANCER on Human Kind." - Rick Rule (7/19/2023) | Updates On FedNow, CBDCs & The New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency
Dollar Collapse | "There Is a Push Towards a Solely Digital Currency That Is Happening. Cash Will Be Phased Out." - Sky News Australia (April 2nd 2023) | "We Will Be Ready to Launch the FedNow Service Between MAY AND JULY OF 2023."