3 years ago뉴로 제너레이션, 생각대로움직이는 놀라운세상, 탠 리, 진정한 마인드컨트롤, 뇌파기술, 뉴로피드백, 뇌컴퓨터, 인터페이스, 4차산업혁명, 뇌신경과학, 심리학, 의학, 로봇공학,혁신cosmosrich1
3 years ago뉴로 제너레이션, 생각대로움직이는 놀라운세상, 탠 리, 진정한 마인드컨트롤, 뇌파기술, 뉴로피드백, 뇌컴퓨터, 인터페이스, 4차산업혁명, 뇌신경과학, 심리학, 의학, 로봇공학,혁신cosmosrich1
5 months agoSick 1 week after "BOOST" literally not able to stand up against ANTI-VAXXERS anymoreBiological Medicine
10 months agoThe Crowhouse | A Complete Loss of Confidence in All World GovernmentsBiological Medicine
1 year agoAndrew tate vs Ben Shapiro, Hamas Vs Israel war, Israel vs Palestine situationsEntertainer hub1
2 years agoHe said,” THEY WANT TO KILL US ALL” after his DOCTOR recommended shot. Stand against Anti- vaxxersOttawatian