10 months agoThe Entire World Is Waking up to the Moon Landing Hoax and World Enslavement Agenda of the NWO CabalLiberty TV
8 months agoEL IS SATURN: Saturn/Sun Worship = 201 = The Jesuit Order = Heliocentrism = Poison Our MindsLiberty TV
8 months agoSATURN WAS THE SUN: Saturn/Sun Worship = 201 = The Jesuit Order = Heliocentrism = Poison Our MindsLiberty TV
1 year agoJordan Maxwell Exposes the Secret Org behind All World Conflicts, Chaos, etc | Conspiracy Con 2002Liberty TV
1 year agoYoung Lady Speaks the Truth to Free All Humanity from Satanists ! The Truth Shall Prevail !Liberty TV
1 year ago#2 VATICAN ASSASSINS: Exposing the Jesuit Vatican New World Order | Dennis Grover & Eric John PhelpsLiberty TV
1 year ago#1 VATICAN ASSASSINS: Exposing the Jesuit Vatican New World Order | Dennis Grover & Eric John PhelpsLiberty TV
1 year agoBEWARE! Google, YouTube & Flat Earth Society are Globe Gatekeepers | Roseanne Barr w/ Eddie BravoLiberty TV
1 year agoSmart Lady Breaks Silence to Support the Flat Earth Movement and Criticize the Heliocentric CultLiberty TV
1 year ago(Part 1 of 3) The Cabal's Plan of UN One World Govt & Religion via 3 World Wars | Myron Fagan (1967)Liberty TV
1 year agoDivergent Rays from the Sun Prove the Sun Is Close/Local and Not 93 Million Miles Away in "Space"Liberty TV
1 year ago"Craters" on the Moon Are Mirrors of the Depths of Earth! Don't Be Duped by the Moon Landing Cult!Liberty TV
1 year agoNWO Cabal & Globe Gatekeepers Are Trying Hard to Distract the World from Earth's Mirror on the MoonLiberty TV
11 months agoClimate Change Propaganda of the NWO Cabal for Manipulating Countries and Hiding Macroclimate ChangeLiberty TV
10 months ago35 KM ALTITUDE: Horizon Level = Cam Level (If Earth Were a Globe, the Horizon Would Not Rise At All)Liberty TV
10 months agoEARTH IS STATIONARY WITH NO CURVATURE: 1,200 Miles of Flat Earth Infrared Footage | JTolan Media1Liberty TV
9 months agoThe Sun Isn't in "Space"! Solar Flares/Storms Don't Exist! Get Your Govt to Zoom in with Nikon P900!Liberty TV
9 months agoOur Govts That We Had So Much Trust In Can No Longer Be Trusted! Reform Govts! Reclaim Flat Earth!Liberty TV
9 months agoThe HORIZON LINE Completely Destroys the Globe Earth, Curved Ocean Psyop of the Satanic NWO CabalLiberty TV
8 months agoX = Saturn/Sun Worship = 201 = The Jesuit Order = Catholic Pope = Heliocentrism = Poison Our MindsLiberty TV
7 months agoZipping through Flat Earth! Fasten Your Seat Belts! The Horizon Remains at Eye Level = 100% F. E.!Liberty TV
7 months ago1897-1921 Articles: The Earth Mirrored on the Moon ! Join the "World Map by Plasma Moon" Movement !Liberty TV