Perseverance Rover’s Descent and Touchdown on Mars

7 months ago

The Perseverance Rover's descent and touchdown on Mars occurred on February 18, 2021, marking a significant milestone in NASA's Mars exploration program. The intricate landing sequence, known as the "Seven Minutes of Terror," involved a series of complex maneuvers and precise calculations to safely lower the rover to the Martian surface.

The entry, descent, and landing (EDL) sequence began with the rover entering the Martian atmosphere, protected by its heat shield. As it approached the surface, a supersonic parachute was deployed to slow its descent. The rover then separated from the backshell and heat shield, and its descent was further slowed using a powered descent stage known as the "sky crane."

During the final phase of the landing, the sky crane gently lowered the rover on cables to the surface of Mars. Once the rover's wheels touched down, the cables were cut, allowing the sky crane to fly away to a safe distance.

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