"Infamous" Self-Proclaimed Enemy of the New World Order ALSO Claims NO Self-Victimhood and Promotes Law of Attraction Concepts Including Vision Boards!—You ARE Both if You are Sophisticated. | Luke Rudkowski, "We Are Change".
‘F✰ck Around and FIND OUT’. Correction, Luke Rudkowski, This was Stockton, CA—Not NY. BUT IT’S A GREAT VIDEO! | We’re Not Celebrating Physical Violence, BUT WE DON’T LET PEOPLE WALK ALL OVER US [PERIOD]—GLOBALISTS, YOU’RE NEXT!
They 🔺 Own Your Cops! + Latest [Alleged] Footage From INSIDE the Miami Mall! | #BlueLivesMatterPsyop #ProTrumpIsGreat, But #DontBEaMAGAtard! | Luke Rudkowski, Layah Heilpern, Mitchell Hladchuk, Jean Noland.
MAGA Civil War?? The Right Catches Up with The Left, Battling itself Over H-1B Visas, PROVING: Picking a Side to Vote with isn't Quite That Simple! | Luke Rudkowski & Company (WeAreChange.org)
President Trump Makes CRYPTIC Post, Bill Gates Requested Meeting with Elon Musk At Mar-a-Lago??.. and More! | Luke Rudkowski & Company (WeAreChange.org)