ESAU EDOM IS A THIEF, DRUG DEALER(WITCH), DEVIL & A IDENTITY THIEF.🕎 Job 9:24 “The earth is given into the hand of the wicked: he covereth the faces of the judges thereof; if not, where, and who is he?”
ON DEMAND! BIDEN BOONDOGGLE! The Russian Ukrainian War Backfires. Aired: May 30,'24! Biden throws money to keep the war alive for Soros, Putin looks like he's in a real mess. Zelenskyy is being called: "One Man saves the world!"
ON DEMAND! BIDEN BOONDOGGLE! The Russian Ukrainian War Backfires. Aired: May 30,'24! Biden throws money to keep the war alive for Soros, Putin looks like he's in a real mess. Zelenskyy is being called: "One Man saves the world!"