LAGOS NIGERIA & GHANA WOMEN ARE HOLY & BEAUTIFUL, THE DAUGHTERS & PRINCESSES OF ZION. THE ISRAELITE WOMEN LIVELINESS & ROYALTY!..“to the twelve tribes which are scattered abroad, greeting”🕎John 1:47 “Behold an Israelite indeed”
Full Prophecy 79 - I, YAHUVEH, Say, "People, You Are Missing The Point!" satan's vile one world Sunday Churches in Great Tribulation & "The Bride knows she is to Keep MY Holy Days." "Bride uses OUR Holy Sacred Names"
Amightywind Prophecy 61 - Where Are All My Holy Men That Lift Up Their Holy Hands To ME, YAHUVEH? "September 11, 2001,..How few give ME the Glory, for I saved lives that did not even merit saving."
Prophecy 83 (by AMW video team) I, YAHUVEH, Say, "Prepare The End Is Nigh!" "YAHUSHUA will use the Holy Angels, Rev. 7 Bride, Rev. 14 Bride, as well as the Two Witnesses to know where the Guests are and to help them as needed."