Jessie's Website, Cathy Fox's Blog + Lucien Greaves, Gray Faction, The Satanic Temple, Challenging Beliefs, (We Now Know that Lucien Greaves is Jessie's Training Partner)
Jessie is Moved in the Spirit by Lucien Greaves (Her Training Partner) Speaking + Christian Politician Being Very Abusive, How Can Anyone That to Bring People to Christ? Is That the Goal or Isn't it?
Gray Faction is Highlighting Abuse By Mental Health Professionals, A Case in which the Mother Killed Her Son Due to Constant Harassment by Satanists, The Mental Health Professionals were Negligent
Psychotherapists that are In The System/Luciferian Brotherhood + The Tavistock Institute, Hampstead, Offshoots like The Stanford Research Institute, Prestigious, Respected by the General Public, Perceived as an Authority
"Zephania is upon us!" (“For Gaza shall be forsaken, and Ashkelon a desolation: they shall drive out Ashdod at the noon day, and Ekron shall be rooted up.” )
Ask Questions and People Will Let You Know What They Need + Traumatised People Need Specialist Help, We Need Well-Trained and Reliable People in the Mental Health Field
Some Therapists are Reprogramming People + Satanists Can Still Do Good Research and Have Good Information + Communities Need to Help Each Other Rather than Rely on the Government
Arizona Warriors STANDING UP Against The Tyrannical Board of Supervisors. We Need MORE Of You On The Battlefield - DO NOT BE AFRAID. It's TIME To Take America & Our Unconstitutional Elections Back!