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2 months ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
My son, you found yourself yesterday longing for the days of innocence. The days of your youth. Where the music lifted you up and made you feel like you would live forever. You became emotional, thinking about all that has been lost. You looked on with pride and approval as the sons of Japheth in Europe got together and tried to unite the people in the one thing that set them apart from their invaders – the music of their youth and of their parent’s youth.

For a moment, you could forget your troubles. Pretend that what is had never existed. You mourned and even wept for what the west has lost, yes, even threw away.

But was it not for those very things that you wept for that the judgment of God fell upon you? Did you see anyone in those crowds give one thought towards their creator? Did anyone bother to use their talents for my honor and my glory? No, they simply wanted to escape into their past. To forget the imminent destruction that has come upon them, even if to escape just for the one night. Instead of teaching their children repentance and the fear of the Lord for all the wickedness that they have done, they were teaching their children the seductive spirit of the music of their youth that they so related to the times of peace, security, and plenty.

Even as it was for my people Israel, so it is for my body. You may or may not of enjoyed the music of the world, but you certainly enjoyed one pleasure or another therein. Weeping for any thing of Babylon is a sure sign that your heart is not yet fully cleansed.

As I have made abundantly clear, there is no fixing of Babylon. There is no going back to the way it was. Whatever leaders I have raised up are for my own purposes in judgment, and not for restoration. In the same way, what fleeting emotion you may feel for once what was is not something to cultivate.

Rather, meditate on this. Meditate on how your pursuit of prosperity, comfort, and riches have led to your downfall. Did you think that you would escape, when no one in any past kingdom of this world has escaped?

However I would not leave you without hope. Look at those moments of emotional weakness as great opportunities to understand how empty and unprofitable your cultures had become. There is no true joy apart from me. Your generation was truly the generation of transition. From righteousness to rebellion. From the fear of God to the pursuit of happiness. In any transition, the pleasures may seem to have no end. Yet here you are. Suddenly, you are on the brink of ruin.

Weep not for the culture you lost. Cry not for the America and the Canada that you once knew. The seeds of your own demise had already been firmly planted in what you once considered ‘harmless’ pleasures. Rather, weep for your hearts that are still susceptible to the temptations of Egypt. Weep for the hard hearts and the weakness of the flesh in my body. Weep for the lack of true repentance in the church.

It is written that the gates of hell shall not prevail against my church. This only occurs if my people learn the lessons in my judgments. Have you not seen enough? Do you not yet realize how utterly defeated you are in the natural? When will my body stop hoping in man, stop clinging to false doctrine, and stop longing for a sinful past?

My body in the west does not yet understand. They still have not been brought to their knees. That will soon change. As you see Britain fall, so your nations will soon follow. I have come to take peace away from the earth. The only peace you will find is under the shadow of my wings. The time for nostalgia and vain dreaming is long gone. As you enter the next phase of judgments, be sober, be diligent, and learn to spot the rents in your spiritual armor. Repair and replace, before the next attack is upon you.

There are many voices out there, pulling you this way and that. Offering their advice, and suggesting how to be safe. Yet I tell you that there is no real place of safety except in the midst of my perfect will for you. If you want to prep and prepare, then prep and prepare. But know this. Only those who through much discipline learn to make their hearts fully mine, will be truly prepped and prepared for what is about to come.

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