1. The Serpent Kings. Code Words Used to Hide this Knowledge. A Better Translation of Hebrew and Greek.

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  2. Ancient Writings of American, Putin Plain English From the Writ. Better Translation Hebrew and Greek

    Ancient Writings of American, Putin Plain English From the Writ. Better Translation Hebrew and Greek

  3. The Day Man Breathed Life Into God. Secrets of the Greek Text.

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  4. How Elohim Became G0D. The Real Origin of the Torah. A Better Translation of Hebrew and Greek 9/11

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  5. The Other Right Hand Path. More on the Pagan Ritual of the Roasting. A Better Translation of Greek.

    The Other Right Hand Path. More on the Pagan Ritual of the Roasting. A Better Translation of Greek.

  6. Revelation of Piggus Cries. Day Of The Pig. A Closer Look at Revelations 1 Greek.

    Revelation of Piggus Cries. Day Of The Pig. A Closer Look at Revelations 1 Greek.

  7. King Solomon Predicted 2020 Election. How to read ancient Greek.

    King Solomon Predicted 2020 Election. How to read ancient Greek.

  8. Isaiah's Creation of the Piadore. How to Enslave the Masses. Better Translation of Hebrew and Greek.

    Isaiah's Creation of the Piadore. How to Enslave the Masses. Better Translation of Hebrew and Greek.

  9. A Miracle Before Your Eyes. No $hitin. The Woman Kings. A Better Translation of Hebrew and Greek.

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  10. The Real Meaning of Jesus. Parable Of Apis. How to read Ancient Greek and Hebrew. What the Kahn....

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  11. Apocalypse, Day the Sun Fuges. Story of the Greek.

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  12. The Unwanted Guest What Tag A Long. Easy Reading of Greek Revelation.

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  13. The Forbidden Fruit. DMT Extraction From Papaya Tree. A Better Translation of Greek. Elixir of Gods

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  14. The Hebrew God of War. What You Didn't Know About Hulk . A Better Translation of Hebrew and Greek.

    The Hebrew God of War. What You Didn't Know About Hulk . A Better Translation of Hebrew and Greek.

  15. Apollo - The Greek Antichrist

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  16. New MeChico. Proof Ancient Greeks were in America. How to read ancient Greek.

    New MeChico. Proof Ancient Greeks were in America. How to read ancient Greek.

  17. The Antichrists Finale. Death of Aten. Cosmos According to John. Bible Astrology. Ancient Greek

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  18. Nephilim Are Here. Blood Revealed. $hit Fixin to Go Down. How2Read Ancient Hebrew & Greek...........

    Nephilim Are Here. Blood Revealed. $hit Fixin to Go Down. How2Read Ancient Hebrew & Greek...........
