New Testament / Koine Greek, 1st year, Lecture #3: Basics of Biblical Greek, William Mounce, Chap. 7

2 years ago

Lecture #3 in New Testament or Koine Greek; first year Greek at a college or seminary level taught by independent Baptist professor Thomas Ross.

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Continuing in William Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek, the professor teaches chapter 7. items covered include the Greek genitive case (omicron upsilon / omega nu), keywords, and case endings; the Greek dative (omega iota subscript / omicron iota sigma), keywords, and case endings; forms of the article, including the rough breath mark or tau followed by case ending tip; genitive specifying possession while dative specifying indirect object; that the genitive tends to follow a head noun and must be treated as a unit; and "of," the genitive key word. The dative key words are "to, in, with," the dative specifies the indirect object. 1st and 2nd declension noun paradigms are examined, along with Basics of Biblical Greek (William Mounce) noun rule #4: "In the dative singular, the iota subscripts if possible"; noun rule #5: "Vowels often change their length ('ablaut')"; and noun rule #6: "In the genitive and dative, the masculine and neuter will always be identical." The partially declined name: ho 'Iesous, "Jesus," is also explained.

Doxa type words (AEIR) are examined--in the genitive and dative singular the ending shifts from alpha to eta. Epsilon, iota, or rho before alpha is like hora, otherwise they are like doxa.

For vocabulary words, the need to memorize the nominative and genitive forms and the article was explained.

Three translation hints from Mounce's BBG were explained: key words (of; to in with) -- check for genitives -- keep possessives with their nouns.

This lecture also provided an introduction to conversational Koine and Halcomb's Speak Koine Greek.

Bill Mounce's Basics of Biblical Greek workbook exercises chapters 5-6 were covered.

The FaithSaves website's section on college courses contains course syllabi, handouts, and other important material for taking this course.

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