The Great Reset | "We Do Know That Global Energy Systems, Food Systems and Supply Chains Will Be Deeply Affected." - Klaus Schwab | "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take the Genetic-Editing." - Klaus Schwab
2015 leaked recording of US State Department official Victoria Nuland discussing how Washington handpicked the post-coup Ukrainian government.This of course was once Soros had successfully orchestrated the colour revolution that overthrew the government.
Emmanuel Macron | "I'm In Favor of an International Tax Funding the Efforts We Need to Undertake & Fight Poverty." - Macron + "The Price Tag of Preventing the Apocalypse Is In the Low Single Digits of Annual Global GDP." - Yuv
The violent overthrow of Ukraine's elected government caused the Russian-speaking populations of Eastern Ukraine to vote to break apart from the newly formed western-backed government in Ukraine.
CIA Director John Brennan visited Kyiv, and Ukraine's new government launched an "anti-terrorist operation" to suppress the protests in Eastern Ukraine. Millions of innocent civilians were caught in the crossfire of a geopolitical chess mat