1. Quick tip for families in ICU: What are the right steps when weaning off ventilation & tracheostomy?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: What are the right steps when weaning off ventilation & tracheostomy?

  2. Quick tip for families in ICU: What are the right steps when weaning off ventilation & tracheostomy?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: What are the right steps when weaning off ventilation & tracheostomy?

  3. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Why is there no clinical support in LTAC?

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Why is there no clinical support in LTAC?

  4. When's a Pt a candidate for a ventilator? What criteria for a Pt no longer needing a ventilator?

    When's a Pt a candidate for a ventilator? What criteria for a Pt no longer needing a ventilator?

  5. Quick Tip for Families in ICU: You Need to Have 100% Guardianship for Your Loved One in ICU!

    Quick Tip for Families in ICU: You Need to Have 100% Guardianship for Your Loved One in ICU!

  6. Quick tip for families in Intensive care: Is it painful to have a tracheostomy?

    Quick tip for families in Intensive care: Is it painful to have a tracheostomy?

  7. Sickle Cell Anaemia,Ventilator& Tracheostomy and Lung Lesions, Will My Son Survive in Intensive Care

    Sickle Cell Anaemia,Ventilator& Tracheostomy and Lung Lesions, Will My Son Survive in Intensive Care

  8. Quick tip for families in ICU: How often can someone be extubated and intubated?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: How often can someone be extubated and intubated?

  9. Quick tip for families in ICU: Can a ventilated patient be extubated with airway swelling?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Can a ventilated patient be extubated with airway swelling?

  10. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Why Hydromorph when someone is on a ventilator in ICU?

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Why Hydromorph when someone is on a ventilator in ICU?

  11. Quick tip for families in ICU: For Covid-19 ARDS should you prone or ECMO?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: For Covid-19 ARDS should you prone or ECMO?

  12. Quick tip for families in ICU: How does a tracheostomy help with coming out of an induced coma?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: How does a tracheostomy help with coming out of an induced coma?

  13. Quick tip for families in ICU: Being asked to decide on a tracheostomy after only one week?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Being asked to decide on a tracheostomy after only one week?

  14. Finding home care to take my dad home from ICU with tracheostomy&ventilator in Melbourne,Australia

    Finding home care to take my dad home from ICU with tracheostomy&ventilator in Melbourne,Australia

  15. Quick tip for families in ICU: Should sedatives being given in ICU for patients off ventilation?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Should sedatives being given in ICU for patients off ventilation?

  16. When does the ICU team know when to remove the breathing tube in an induced coma?

    When does the ICU team know when to remove the breathing tube in an induced coma?

  17. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Can you go home from intensive care with tracheostomy?

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Can you go home from intensive care with tracheostomy?

  18. Quick tip for families in Intensive care: Is ventilation necessary after tracheostomy?

    Quick tip for families in Intensive care: Is ventilation necessary after tracheostomy?

  19. 28 yr Old Son with Duchenne syndrome Needs a Tracheostomy in ICU, Can He Have Intensive Care at Home

    28 yr Old Son with Duchenne syndrome Needs a Tracheostomy in ICU, Can He Have Intensive Care at Home
