1. CCP collaborating with the Mexican cartel to do illicit drug smuggling

    CCP collaborating with the Mexican cartel to do illicit drug smuggling

  2. Chris Jacobson: The CCP is evil and the Chinese people are the innocent victims

    Chris Jacobson: The CCP is evil and the Chinese people are the innocent victims

  3. CCP is behind all this evil and they have a plan to destroy the USA

    CCP is behind all this evil and they have a plan to destroy the USA

  4. If the CCP's evil ideology isn't eliminated from the US, America will fall into the hands of the CCP

    If the CCP's evil ideology isn't eliminated from the US, America will fall into the hands of the CCP

  5. Learn how the CCP uses Zoom to collect data from around the globe

    Learn how the CCP uses Zoom to collect data from around the globe

  6. Naples, Florida bike ride message to America and the world. CCP is doing all this.

    Naples, Florida bike ride message to America and the world. CCP is doing all this.

  7. The CCP's Evil Axis Will Bring 4 Major Changes To World Politics

    The CCP's Evil Axis Will Bring 4 Major Changes To World Politics

  8. CCP will be EXPOSED to be behind much of the evil being caused. 12/17/23 Fl

    CCP will be EXPOSED to be behind much of the evil being caused. 12/17/23 Fl

  9. Without eliminating the CCP, no one can guarantee that our children's healthy

    Without eliminating the CCP, no one can guarantee that our children's healthy

  10. The CCP Doesn’t Represent China and Chinese People, We Should Directly Call the Evil CCP Regime Out

    The CCP Doesn’t Represent China and Chinese People, We Should Directly Call the Evil CCP Regime Out

  11. The CCP has nearly taken over all the countries in the Middle East, and Americans are unaware of it

    The CCP has nearly taken over all the countries in the Middle East, and Americans are unaware of it

  12. Roy: A New Axis of Evil of the CCP, Russia and North Korea is Forming Now

    Roy: A New Axis of Evil of the CCP, Russia and North Korea is Forming Now
