Call on the good people of DOJ to speak out against the evil CCP and its enablers in the U.S.

1 year ago

4/8/2023 【#FreeMilesGuoRally】Columnist and TV journalist Bill Robinson expressed his gratitude to the people of the New Federal State of China for their constant warnings to Americans. Our fellow fighter Ava called on good people inside the DOJ to speak out and act as whistleblowers against the evil CCP and its enablers in the U.S.
#freeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #freeMilesGuoNow #FreeYvetteWangNow

4/8/2023 【#释放郭文贵全球联动抗议】专栏作家和电视记者比尔感谢新中国联邦人对美国人不断的警醒。战友莘7女孩呼吁在美国司法部工作的好人站出来发声,做个抗击中共和揭发在美帮凶的吹哨人!
#释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平 #立即释放郭文贵 #立即释放王雁平

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