Yuval Noah Harari | "The Social Credit System Is An Expansion of Money Or A New Kind of Money. Traditional Money, They Give Value Only to Specific Parts of Human Reality. Social Credit Is to Monetize Everything." 11/16/2024
Yuval Noah Harari | "Maybe the Last Story That Democrats & Republicans Still Share Is the Dollar. What Happens If Republicans & Democrats No Longer Use the Same Money?" - 11/16/2024
Kim Clement Prophecies | "Trump Shall Become a Trumpet. I Will Raise Up the Trump to Become a Trumpet." - April 4th 2007 + "There Is a Man By the Name of Mr. Clark & There Is Also A Man By the Name of Donald." - April 20th 2013
Kim Clement | Are Kim Clement's Prophecies Being Fulfilled? Kim Clement Prophecies Featuring: Giuliani, Trump to Become Trumpet, a President for Two Terms, a Praying President, Stone, Mr. Clark & A Man By the Name of Donald