5 Money Mistakes People Make That Block Their Success

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0:00 : Preview
9:00 : Show begins!🔥 - Quick Announcements
12:00 : Watch the Lil Durk breakdown with DJ Akademiks on RUMBLE - https://rumble.com/v5kdp6l-lil-durk-federally-arrested-by-the-fbi.html
14:00 : 5 money mistakes that keep you poor
14:15 : #1 - Escaping your reality with drinks, dr*gs or video games
16:30 : Is it okay to drink every now and then?
20:50 : "But Myron!!….Elon Musk & Joe Rogan smoke weed and are still successful"🤡
25:00 : NOBODY wants to look like Elon Musk❌
26:00 : #2 - Getting into a relationship too early
29:30 : SPONSOR - 1775 Coffee
31:00 : Myron EXPLAINS why young men shouldn’t be in relationships
34:30 : Women are professional resource extractors
37:00 : Halloween outfits for the F&F crew 👻🎃
38:20 : #3 - Not having a budget to follow
42:00 : Where should you invest your money in?
45:00 : How Fresh&Fit dominated Youtube in 4 years
47:30 : #4 - Using your credit cards for ‘bad debt’
52:00 : Luxury is a SCAM
56:00 : Learn to be a Minimalist
1:02:00 : #5 - Choosing the wrong circle of friends
1:05:00 : Lil Durk got in trouble for hanging out with hood dudes
1:06:30 : It’s BETTER to have NO friends than have wrong friends
1:07:30 : Join CastleClub for a like-minded community- https://freshandfit.locals.com/
1:08:30 : Chats! / Outro

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