WKU: Quiet Day At First, Then Angry Black Female Who Has 2 Sodomite Dads Argues w/ Me About Homosexuality, Draws A Crowd of 40 Students, Passing Out Tons of Tracts, Exalting Jesus Christ
Preaching At A Local Campus: Sincere Christian Asks About Sabbath, One Young Lady Takes Some Tracts For Her Friend, Preaching Jesus and Warning of Sin To the Masses
Holy Spirit Prophetic Word Given to Me about You Wicked Parents in the USA Who Refuse to Teach Your Children to Love Jesus Christ, walk in the Hebrews 8 Covenant, and obey Yah
University of Florida: Humble Christian Asks About My Preaching Methods, Homosexual Waves Trans Flag In Front of Me, I Contend With A Talmudic Jew About the Messiah, Preaching to Hundreds and Hundreds The Gospel of Jesus Christ