Madonna is Under the Grand High Priestess in the East, which is Beyoncé (She Took Gloria Vanderbilt's Position After Her Death) + Madonna is One of the Highest Grand Dames in the System, Above Mother Goddess, Procures Beta Kitty Sex Slaves for Elite
Beyoncé, Grand High Priestess in the Eastern Quadrant (Formerly Gloria Vanderbilt's Position), Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Death + Petition the Lord in the Throne Room
Owns the Bohemian Grove (Ritual Grounds), Sees the Non-Nobility as Grubby Little Downstairs Staff + House of Wettin + Grand High Priestess Above the Others, Husband Heads Wolves Protector Department + Scares Putin + Not Impressed by Satan
Royals, High Priests and High Priestesses, Bilderberg Group + It's Time For Truth, Time For the Crimes To End + The Miracle of Getting Out of the System
R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B From Gospel To Gas Chamber: History of Holocaust and Jew-Hatred Research Fellowship (Episode #2 -- Dec. 26th, 2023). Topic: "'Aryan' Secret Society National Socialist High Priestess Savitri Deva"