Grand High Priestess Gloria Vanderbilt, Witch Battle Between Beyoncé and Meghan Markle to Take Her Position + Prep for Hierarchy Children, Prince George Groomed for Ritual Murder, Shown Publicly on TV
The Witch Battle Between Beyoncé and Meghan Markle For the Late Gloria Vanderbilt's Grand High Priestess Position + The Subsequent Declaration by Beyoncé, the New Grand High Priestess
Torture That Was Used + The Body Decays Quickly After Death, People Were Eaten Alive + Tapping People's Blood, Too Weak to Escape+ Gloria Vanderbilt Used Organs Taken From Victims for Divination
Hierarchy Children Do Not Have an Easy Life, They Have To Take Part in Sex Magick and are Trained to Do Things in the Luciferian Brotherhood (including Murder) + Gloria Vanderbilt Showed Jessie How to Drown a Baby, Took In Its Last Breath
The Midsummer Solstice Ritual Occurs Before the 12-Year-Old or First Blasphemy Ritual which involves Gang Rape, Cannibalism, Murder, Full Initiation + Jessie Saw 2 of those Rituals at Gloria Vanderbilt's House