11 months agoPokemon Red & Blue Celebrations - GB ROM Hack, Play as Girl, 151 catchable, Truck event, and moreDucumon
1 year agoPokemon Re:Union DX - French/English Fan-made Game - Multiverse, New story and you can play as RedDucumon
2 years agoPokemon IRONéMON Red Kaizo Edition - GBA Hack ROM but it's so fun. You should play it!Ducumon
2 years agoPokemon Rough Red - GBA Hack ROM with Gen 7 with Z moves, Mega Evolution by Luke111Ducumon
2 years agoPokemon Suit & Tie - Fan-made Game with Eevee Starter, 3 Chapter Story to complete and moreDucumon
2 years agoPokemon Redcurrant & Blueberry - GB Hack ROM with 200 brand new moves, Cheat House, trade stoneDucumon
1 year agoPokemon Fire Red but Sillier - GBA ROM Hack, Dialogue is changed to either be more fitting, sillyDucumon