LE ACCUSE DEL SANGUE,OMICIDI RITUALI e L'INQUISIZIONE SPAGNOLA AGLI EBREI DOCUMENTARIO Il Santo Niño de La Guardia è stato vittima di un omicidio rituale,con crocifissione e asportazione del cuore,commesso nel 1489 d.C. a La Guardia,Toledo
De-Dollarization | Does France Want to Join BRICS? Why Does Emmanuel Macron Want the South African President to Invite Him to the 2023 BRICS Summit? Egypt Becomes the Latest Nation to Formally Apply for BRICS Membership.
Dollar Collapse | "Macron Said De-Dollarizing Might Be the Thing to Do. He Said Trading In Commodities & Other Currencies Might Be the Right Thing for France & Others After Spending 6 Hours w/ Xi. Central Bank Double Down On Gold Buying."