HOUSE OF COMMONS OF CANADA BILL C-293 An Act respecting pandemic prevention and preparedness AS PASSED BY THE HOUSE OF COMMONS June 5, 2024 - WHO ONE-HEALTH
CLAIRE EDWARDS ~ "The 5G Space Weapon, Mind Control Agenda & Kill Grid -CLAIRE EDWARDS is a former United Nations editor and gave trainings at the United Nations in intercultural writing.
Ian F Akildiz: Global PANACEA Architecture (IoBnT) Programming "Viruses" Wirelessly Inside The Body, Track & Trace-Quarantine - "You Can Be Re-Programmed (DUAL USE) And Killed"
Ian F Akildiz Is Telling You How In His Global PANACEA Architecture (IoBnT) You Can Be Re-Programmed (DUAL USE) And Killed! - Listen Real Close 1h 11 min Mark!
Ian F Akildiz: Global PANACEA Architecture (IoBnT) Programming "Viruses" Wirelessly Inside The Body, Track & Trace-Quarantine - "You Can Be Re-Programed (DUAL USE) And Killed"
Akildiz Is Telling You How In His Global PANACEA Architecture (IoBnT) You Can Be Re-Programed (DUAL USE) And Killed! - Listen Real Close 1h 11 min Mark!
Ian F Akildiz: Global PANACEA Architecture (IoBnT) Programming "Viruses" Wirelessly Inside The Body, Track & Trace-Quarantine - "You Can Be Re-Programed (DUAL USE) And Killed"
Akildiz Is Telling You How In His Global PANACEA Architecture (IoBnT) You Can Be Re-Programed (DUAL USE) And Killed! - Listen Real Close 1h 11 min Mark!