Stealth Euthanasia: How hospice was given a license to kill and the current culture of death

1 year ago

Ron Panzer, B.A., LPN, a graduate of Syracuse University, is a pro-life nurse, patient advocate, and whistleblower who has exposed violations of the standards of care within hospice and other medical facilities and has served as a consultant on hospice for thousands of families, patients, and staff from all over our nation. Ron is the founder and former President of (the now disbanded) Hospice Patients Alliance ("HPA"), a charitable nonprofit patient advocacy organization that fought for 22 years (1998 through 2020) to preserve the original pro-life mission of modern hospice as envisioned by physician, Dame Cicely Saunders: to care for those facing death, relieve their suffering, and allow for a natural death in its own timing.

Ron has been on the front lines, saving thousands of lives and the sanctity of life and respect for the individual patient's needs was affirmed through his advocacy. Ron affirms the basic dictum of medicine to "do no harm.”

His comments on hospice have been quoted in numerous news outlets and national newspapers. Ron is also an author and has made all of his articles and full-length books available as e-books or web files for those who request a copy.


Links for this episode:

Healthcare Advocacy and Leadership Organization

Stealth Euthanasia book:

Hospice Patients Alliance website is still available at the Internet Archive, just enter the website:

Will re-direct to the Internet Archive where more information on hospice is available than on thousands of so-called "hospice information" sites. It contains the information they don't want you to know.

MEDCAC Charter

15 J. Am. Physicians & Surgeons: "ObamaCare": What Is In It?


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