Dr. Robert Malone, Mr Steve Kirsch & Bret Weinstein...Covid-19 Perspectives From An Engineer, and a Medical Doctor Who Invented mRNA Vaccine Technology ( -0107 )
mRNA | "Transhumanism, Is One of the Agendas of the World Economic Forum That's Not Hidden, That's Not a Conspiracy & They Talk About RNA Vaccines As An Entry Point. Opening That Space Ethically and Otherwise." - Dr. Robert Malone
General Flynn | “Banks Are Going to Start Denying People Use of Their Money.” - General Flynn + "The Government's Digital Currency They Are Working On?" - Post Malone "I Think That's Checkmate. That's Game Over."
mRNA | "Transhumanism, Is One of the Agendas of the World Economic Forum That's Not Hidden, That's Not a Conspiracy & They Talk About RNA Vaccines As An Entry Point. Opening That Space Ethically and Otherwise." - Doctor Malone
Dr. Robert Malone | Why Did Robert Malone Invent the mRNA Vaccine Technology? (Highlights Include: Luciferase, mRNA Vaccines, Using Targeted Mutagenesis to Produce Gain-of-Function Mutations That Can Be Used for Vaccine Purposes) **Leave Your Comments
CRISPR | How Does CRISPR Work? How Does CRISPR Work? CRISPR 101 featuring: Elon Musk, Jennifer Doudna, Bill Gates, Dr Robert Malone and Dr Peter McCullough
Transhumanism | The mRNA / Transhumanism Agenda Explained In 2 Minutes and 20 Seconds by Doctor Robert Malone, Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari & Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla