JD Vance protestors should feel sorry for ZELENSKY the Human Trafficker who Sacrifices his own on the Altar of War: Recruiter Gangs Kidnap young ones for Front-line
How Does the Average Baby Starseed and Their Parents Typically Interact? They'll Be Called Know-it-Alls for the Rest of Their Human-Avatar Lives—But They'll Accept the Label Quickly Enough AND OWN IT. | #NikkaPlease #RebelGene
RA/Marduk, Thoth, Enoch, The Pyramid Wars, The Rothschild Dynasty, The Earth Realm Simulation, Karmic Wheel Souls (Humans), Volunteer Souls (Starseeds), No-Soul Avatars (Backfill People), and More! | Billy Carson on Sean Stone's "BuzzSaw"