2 years agoWell Springing Up Into Eternal Life - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoCrypto-Jesuits: Liars, Deceivers, Workers of Iniquity - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoThe Words of Eternal Life - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoGod’s Marriage - 3of3 - Only Heterosexual Marriage Is of God - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoHe Abideth Faithful a sermon on God's Sovereignty and Grace - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoBe Diligent - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoCome Out Of Her My People - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoLove of Money, The Root of All Evil -AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoDiscover Abortion Truths Revealed in the Word of God - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoThe Bread of Heaven - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoKing David the Calvinist His Belief in The Doctrines of Grace - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoPillar of Witness - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoDeliverance, Holiness, Possession (Obadiah 1:17) - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoMan of Sin Pope Francis - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoThe Overwhelming Providence of God - AV1611HOUR - Pastor NelsonnTurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoSPIRITUAL REPRODUCTION - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
4 months agoEric Jon Phelps: Rant on White Reformation and Atributes of God in Christ AInTheHandsOfProvidence
2 years agoWho God Is (Bible Proofs Versus What the Jesuit Pope Says) - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoCreation, Generation, Propagation, and Abortion - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner
2 years agoRelationships - AV1611HOUR - Pastor Nelson TurnerAV1611HOUR - Christian Preaching from The Word of God in English (The King James Bible)- Pastor Nelson Turner