Q: "Why did Biden tell the same story word for word 2 times in the same speech?" Biden's Press Sec: "81 million people" voted for him "to get our economy back on track" and to have "an adult in the room."
Biden's Press Sec cooks up a giant word salad as she attempts to explain why those Americans who did not attend college or take on student loan debt should pay for those who did and "who deserved that opportunity."
When It Doesn't Make Sense: Biden's Press Sec cooks up a giant word salad as she attempts to explain why Biden spent his day meeting with celebrity & Trump hater Mark Hamill and why they carried him into the briefing room.
Q: "Kamala says Pres Trump's tariffs are a "sales tax" but the Harris-Biden admin just announced new tariffs on Chinese goods. Isn't it the same thing?" Biden-Harris Press Sec just can't word salad her way through that.
Biden's Press Sec cooks a giant word salad about Biden's "comprehensive physical" & "I'm sharpest before 8:00 p.m." statement: "You know, he likes to joke a lot. I think people laugh when he says it."