White House Press Room Erupts in Chaos as Press Secretary FINALLY ADMITS Biden DESTROYING BOMBSHELL!

3 months ago

RR News Update! – July 10th, 2024 Justus Knight

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On today’s broadcast:

Title: White House Press Room Erupts in Chaos as Press Secretary FINALLY ADMITS Biden DESTROYING BOMBSHELL!

Description :

The White House in Complete Disarray

In what can only be described as a complete free-fall, the Biden administration, once hailed as one of the most controlled and moderated in history, is now better compared to a group of pre-pubescent teenagers being let into a Taylor Swift concert high on Pop Rocks and Pepsi. Disaster after disaster is pouring out of the White House, and the mainstream media can no longer shield the administration from the growing perception of incompetence and mismanagement.

Monday and Tuesday only added fuel the burning flames consuming the White House faster than Whoopie Goldberg embarrassing herself in front of the audience of the Poo, I mean View. (play clip)

From the most costly publicity stunt in history, to a real life Biden stand in, to something that will most certainly keep you up at night after I tell you about it | an explosive story would be an understatement | just hang in there for one minute as we take this slight break and kick right back into the broadcast!

Gaza Pier: A Costly Publicity Stunt

One of the most embarrassing and expensive publicity stunts in recent history, the Pentagon’s Gaza humanitarian pier project, is now facing its final blow. The pier, intended to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza, has been plagued by constant repairs and will soon be dismantled permanently.

Why, well let’s go through it amazing list of achievements, and the do not include the ALLEGED delivery of nearly 20 million pounds of food to Gaza.

May 25: pier was damaged by seas and high winds

Removed for repairs

June 7: finally reconnected after a couple weeks

June 14: inclement weather leads to pier removal again

Days later it is put back

June 28: heavy seas result in removal again

Out of commission again for nearly a couple of weeks, persistent high seas and poor weather conditions led to frequent disruptions and extensive damage. Critics argue that land routes could have been more effective for aid delivery, pointing out that the project was a costly endeavor driven by political pressure rather than practicality. So in short, what you just witnessed was is a pier that will go down as one of history’s costliest publicity stunts. Glad the Democrats feel better about themselves by spending our hard earned tax dollars on their failed virtue signal project.

Biden’s Managed Schedule and Debate Performance

Not to be outdone however, The Wall Street Journal pulls out the Biden bulldozer to completely bury the Administration in a pile of it’s own decrepit filth. In this article titled How Biden’s Inner Circle Worked to Keep Signs of Aging Under Wraps – Aides kept a tight rein on the president’s travel plans, news conferences, public appearances and meetings with donors while Biden’s stumbles became increasingly obvious they reveal that for over a year, senior White House advisers have aggressively managed President Biden’s schedule to minimize signs of aging. His daily itinerary has been limited, and unscripted interactions with the public have been reduced. This cautious approach has led to questions about Biden’s mental acuity, particularly after a poor debate performance last month that stunned even his supporters. Donors and lawmakers are now openly expressing concerns about Biden’s fitness for a second term, feeling misled by reassurances from his top advisers.

But to add insult to injury the story gets even worse when they reveal the Biden stand in, aka, Antony Blinken. This portion of the story starts here :

“Lawmakers in both parties say they don’t get enough face time with the president. Biden took almost a week to call Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) after the debate. A White House official said the president has spoken to at least 20 lawmakers since the debate. Biden’s team refused requests by Republican House leaders to meet with the president, instead offering conversations with senior White House aides.

Biden has had fewer small meetings with lawmakers as his term has gone on, visitor logs show.

German officials, aware of Biden’s fatigue at night, sought to accommodate the president by planning a June 2022 event with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in the early evening.

The informal event, a soiree at the Alpine resort Schloss Elmau during the Group of Seven summit, was arranged as a confidential meeting on Ukraine in a relaxed setting. Biden didn’t show, surprising the chancellor and his aides, officials said. Instead, Secretary of State Antony Blinken arrived and announced that Biden had to go to bed, according to two people who were there.“

Yes my friends, Grandpa B had to go night night. Don’t worry about international policy / foreign policy or just professional courtesy….no, old Joe chose to count sheep in the warm embrace of his security blanket that has become more his faux oval office. Proud moments in U.S. history now aren’t they…

Explosive Revelation

Finally, embarrassment gives way to one of the most chilling and horrific statements ever given by a White House Press Secretary. As we all know, the White House’s handling of concerns about Biden’s cognitive abilities has been a point of contention. During a recent press conference, Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre was pressed about Biden’s capacity to respond to emergencies, such as a potential nuclear threat.

Here was her statement (play clip) after be questioned by Fox’s Peter Doocy.

Yes, Jean-Pierre confirmed that Biden is not the first person contacted in such scenarios, relying instead on a team to relay critical information. Let’s be VERY, VERY, CLEAR here. According to this article from Business Insider (and general common sense) Nuclear bomb launch procedure by US government and president

It can take the US government just minutes to launch a nuclear weapon. Here’s how it would work.

The president has the sole authority to call for a nuclear strike. Once the call is made, a series of critical steps follow.

The president first meets with top military advisers. The meeting would take place in the Situation Room. If the president is traveling, a call is made on a secure line.

If the president still wants to go through with the strike, the order is verified. To authenticate the order, a challenge code is read to the president. It’s usually two phonetic letters like “Delta-Echo.”

The president then receives the “biscuit”, a laminated card that’s always near the president. The biscuit has the matching response to the challenge code.

The Pentagon then broadcasts an encoded message to missile crews. The message is only about the length of a standard tweet.

Or, let me put it more simply (show graphic)

This revelation has fueled further worries about the president’s ability to effectively lead the nation in times of crisis. But no worries folks, Biden chimed in on defense to ease all our worries. (PLAY CLIP)

Conclusion: A Broken State of the Union

These stories collectively paint a picture of an administration that has completely lost control of any ‘Joe OK’ narrative in the face of rapidly escalation chaos and much well deserved deeply needed scrutiny. From the costly failure of the Gaza Pier to the increasing concerns about President Biden’s cognitive health, the state of the Union appears very broken. The administration’s challenges continue to mount, leaving many Americans questioning the leadership and direction of the country.

I love you all, until next time, Godspeed and God Bless, Justus Knight…signing out.

Justus Knight


All tagged above in the article.

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