ROR#199 The Anti-Christ, The Great Apostasy, JFK + The 4 'P's: The Prophet, The Priest, The Phoenix and The Pindar + The 4 Kings. Are The 4 'P's and the 4 Kings 8 of the 10 Horns?
MY TRIBUTE TO ELDER HIGH PRIEST AHRAYAH R.I.P YAHAWASHI’S FRIEND. (Dailyedification4) 🕎1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 For if we believe that Yahawashi died and rose again, even so them also which sleep in Yahawashi will God bring with him.
LET US NOW PRAISE FAMOUS MEN!! (A TRIBUTE ELDER HIGH PRIEST AHRAYAH)…. DOUBLE HONORS TO MY ELDERS OF GREATMILLSTONE THE HOUSE OF DAVID THAT RULE WELL!!🕎 John 15:16 but I have chosen you, & ordained you, that ye should go & bring forth fruit
Spiritual Gates, Demonic Generals, Sisters of Light, The 4 'P's: Phoenix, Pindar, Prophet and Priest + Barrack Obama Heads the Satanic Council (The Phoenix Position), He Took Over From George Soros + Oprah Winfrey